Three Things to Keep in Mind When Designing for Gen Z

What did we learn when collaborating with higher ed students to create Charlie Academy’s career-ready skill-building tools and resources?

Check out our three takeaways below!

Watch Out for Surprising Tech Barriers

Our design: Each course includes a digital, fillable PDF workbook for learners.

Gen Z said: “What’s a fillable PDF?” “How do I save this thing to hand it in?”

We learned: Don’t assume that Gen Z is fluent in every type of technology. Provide additional instructional text for certain media.

Design for On-the-Go Learning

Our design: Each course includes subject-matter-expert videos with stories, skill concepts, and techniques.

Gen Z said: They used closed captions to engage with video content quickly and “on the go” without audio.

We learned: Always incorporate functionality and content design that supports Gen Z’s desire for on-the-go learning.

Ensure Variety in Design

Our design: Course lessons include a mix of text, interactive scenarios, video, custom graphics, and reflection.

Gen Z said: They resist reading chunks of text; many learners don’t use textbooks in school.

We learned: To keep engagement high, focus on multimedia design and use text sparingly.

Curious about our work with Charlie Academy? Check out our partnership case study!


Start, Stop, Continue?


Is Boredom a Bad Thing?