August eLearning Bytes: eLearning Should Be Fun


You can keep the fun in eLearning without reinventing the wheel every time!

In that spirit, we're excited to share these resources:

  • Although developing engaging eLearning courses can be quite satisfying, you don't want to end up completely bogged down in the process of programming. But help is nearby. The Articulate community has compiled a great list of hacks to improve your instructional design workflow. (And that means more fun for learners.) Check them out here.

  • If you want to speed up workflow and lay out a cohesive design, templates are extremely helpful, of course. However, whether it’s due to tricky content, client expectations, or your own desire to build something unique, a custom eLearning course demands more. Want to keep your work inspired and inspiring? Discover some fun Tips on Sparking Creativity in this eLearning Guild blog post.

  • How do you keep learners from feeling bored and dissatisfied with the content in their eLearning courses? And how can you cater to different skill levels? In the blog post “How to Make Your Learning Adaptable and Personalized” from Learning Solutions Magazine, Jeff Batt talks about using variables and triggers to tackle those challenges.


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A Note from Michelle: Busy Making Other Plans