Inspiration Is Often Invisible
We don't always realize when we are inspiring others because our own impact is often invisible to us. But it's there!
The Power of Connection: Combating Loneliness in the Workplace
Loneliness at work is a worldwide problem. But the solution is in our hands. Engaging work and meaningful relationships are the pathways to combating loneliness in the workplace.
Say “Welcome to Our World” with Meaningful Onboarding
There’s a fundamental distinction between onboarding and orientation. Done right, onboarding helps people find a meaningful place in the company universe. It's a way to say, "Welcome to our world" and mean it.
Can We Leverage Artificial Intelligence to Be More Human?
If we think of GenAI more as humans WITH machines, as opposed to humans VS. machines, we can set aside our anxieties about artificial intelligence, feed it information thoughtfully and deliberately, and interact with it in ways that augment our human experience.