What We're Reading: Laura Recommends


How do you create a continuous learning culture in your organization? How do your leaders, peers, and subordinates transfer information informally? What tools exist to facilitate knowledge exchange? How can these tools be leveraged for maximum impact? What motivates insiders to learn and grow? How can these motivating factors be enhanced?

Robin Hoyle investigates these and related questions in Informal Learning in Organizations, a practical guide for L&D professionals interested in creating a continuous learning culture.

Many of EPI's custom-learning clients have evolved from developing learning assets on a piecemeal basis to asking us to design comprehensive learning programs. We often develop a multimedia curriculum to guide new hires through orientation, onboarding, and company overview, into step-by-step templates for performing various organizational roles.

However, this approach requires integrating learning design and delivery analysis with the organization’s learning culture. Hoyle recognizes this and has some interesting recommendations.

Many of the author's suggestions revolve around the buddy system as a form of peer coaching. We are currently designing a client program to get new hires quickly up to speed in key roles, so I’m enjoying comparing Hoyle's ideas to our approach. I also appreciate having our existing approach validated by a respected L&D professional.


October eLearning Bytes


A Note from Michelle: Change Reactions