Let’s Zentangle!

This month, Michelle shares a fun way we’ve come up with to show our appreciation for our EPI friends.

We’re hosting a free online Zentangle workshop. We’d love for you to join us!

You can read all about the event here.

Book Recommendation

Take your time.

If you find yourself with a seemingly endless list of things begging for your attention, check out A Minute to Think. This book isn’t simply a call for moderation, it’s a call for taking time. By creating white space in your day—strategic pauses that aren’t governed by your to-do list—you free your mind to think, daydream, get creative, or just breathe. Without that pause, you can easily find your time stolen by less important things. So, instead of getting overwhelmed by busyness, take a minute to think.

We hope you’re liking our new website. Drop us a line to let us know what you think about it or about the ideas we share here. We’d love to hear from you!


4 Ways to Demonstrate Self-Compassion


Letting Go of Perfect